In this article

 Apps I Live By is a weekly look into the smartphones of influential personalities. We find out what apps they use and understand how they are made useful in the lives of these figures. Last week, we took a look at the smartphone of Sunita Kaur, Spotify’s managing director for Asia. We’ve also peeked at the smartphone of Danny Loong, co-founder of Timbre Group! If you have a story to share, or want me to cover any personalities, please do get in touch with me at dawn@vulcanpost.com.

The Lawn is not just any typical salad bar you find in Singapore. While a large number of healthy restaurants serve up pre-prepared cooked ingredients, The Lawn serves it fresh by cooking everything on the spot. To date, it has been in business for close to 3 years. Time for those itching for a healthy bite to check them out!

What’s probably even more inspiring is knowing about the founder, Lim Ze Yan.

For starters, he’s amazingly young (I shall not reveal his age, but you can find it out yourself by speaking to him directly at The Lawn’s Facebook page here.)

Together with the salad bar, he also started up Oddle, a platform where one can begin starting a restaurant from creating the first menu to managing the payment system, for real! Should you be an aspiring restaurant or cafe owner, you can start by finding out about Oddle here.

Today, I am very privileged to have a peek at Ze Yan’s homescreen and answer a burning question: how does he even begin managing two startups?

The Lawn Screenshot

Unfortunately for us, Ze Yan changed his background image before his screenshot. Why, Ze Yan, why?

1. 8tracks

“I’m always on the road, and I prefer to use this app to discover new music while driving so that I can add them to the playlist in my cafe, The Lawn.”

If you have not heard about 8tracks, it is an internet radio and social networking site that works on the concept of shared user-curated playlists that consists of at least 8 tracks.

Perhaps one difference 8tracks have as compared to Spotify is their placement of advertisements. While Spotify places ads that interrupts your music streaming from time to time, 8tracks places these at the side of your screen with your music uninterrupted. In terms of user experience, many say the former is better. Anyone out there who uses both?

3. POSlavu

“It allows me to track the sales of my restaurants even when I’m not physically in the stores.”

It’s becoming more possible to manage a business with these digital apps. While visiting a restaurant, have you ever wondered where the owner could be? He or she is probably surfing at the Bahamas with this app!

4. Oddle

Oddle funnels my physical store and online delivery/takeout sales into one platform, hence it allows me to track my sales orders on the go for my restaurant.

A brilliant idea of Ze Yan – to take things in his own hands and create a platform that he can use for his restaurant. Have you heard of the monthly Oddle gathering? The upcoming one on 26th September brings about experienced personalities to discuss more on tackling the problems of outreach and delivery and is open to everyone!

2. Kindle

“I like to steal a few minutes of reading whenever I can.”

This business owner is going full digital with his restaurant and his reading. Any good reading apps that can contend with Kindle?


5. Instagram

This app is mostly for marketing of The Lawn.

Nothing quite like some food porn to get you craving! You can find The Lawn on instagram at @TheLawnCafe.

Thank you Ze Yan for allowing us a peek into your smartphone. The apps listed are definitely all essentials to any aspiring restaurant owners out there!

For my next personality, we will speak to the person behind a messaging app that is growing furiously in Asia and all over the world. Make a guess!

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Vulcan Post aims to be the knowledge hub of Singapore and Malaysia.

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Vulcan Post aims to be the knowledge hub of Singapore and Malaysia.

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