Editor’s Update 23/08/21: VP Label Malaysia has launched, you can check out what it has to offer here!
As a media publication that amplifies the voices of local brands, Vulcan Post has observed the variety of challenges that stand in the way of a business’s journey.
There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for a brand to take off, but we know that partnerships and collaborations are beneficial to growth.
In that regard, we originally launched VP Label, an e-commerce site to support local brands, in Singapore a few months ago.
And now we’re proud to announce that we will soon be launching VP Label in Malaysia to showcase Malaysian-made or designed products.
The goal? To create a win-win situation for the brands and companies that we feature on Vulcan Post, and our readers who discover local stories and products in our articles daily.
How VP Label helps our Brand Partners
Once someone reads Vulcan Post’s feature on a company, they’ll know who the team behind it is, its motivations, processes, successes, even failures and lessons learnt.
This translates to an increased customer confidence in what the brand has to offer. It’s no longer a random company they discovered online with an unfamiliar background.
For our VP Label Brand Partners, their products will be shown at the end of their feature article, allowing readers to make an immediate purchase.
With the brand’s story fresh on a reader’s mind, this may just be that extra conviction needed to convert them into a customer.
We are already in the process of onboarding several Brand Partners onto VP Label, some of which we have featured on Vulcan Post.
If you would like to join VP Label as a Brand Partner, reach out to us at malaysia.label@vulcanpost.com.
How VP Label helps our readers
From our articles, readers will sometimes likely learn more about a brand’s story and business than its products, so VP Label will now help tie up that loose end.
Through our curated list, consumers can explore on a single platform various Malaysian brands with locally designed or locally made products. They will also gain access to exclusive deals and prices from our VP Label Brand Partners.
We’re not here to tell readers that a product is the best or the most unique of its kind in Malaysia—we’ll leave that for our Brand Partners’ marketing teams to do.
But what we do want to do is help consumers discover local brands that they can choose to support via VP Label if their products and mission appeal to them.
In showing our appreciation to our readers, we’ll also be working with our Brand Partners to create limited edition products or sets that will be exclusively available on VP Label.

VP Label is an extension of Vulcan Post’s mission to create inspired entrepreneurs and informed consumers, and we hope that this initiative will strengthen our efforts in doing so.
If you’re a reader, stay tuned for VP Label’s launch, and we hope you’re looking forward to it!