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We’ve covered online food delivery service foodpanda quite a bit at Vulcan Post and we’ve even paid foodpanda’s headquarters in Singapore a visit for the sixth episode of Vulcan TV. Currently foodpanda is actively operating in more than 40 countries as one of the fastest growing Rocket Internet venture and have recently recorded five million app downloads. And it seems like foodpanda Malaysia has come up with a way to reward their loyal customers – the #Save1Hour campaign where they stand a chances to win weekly prizes of an Apple iPhone 6 or an Xbox One.

Image Credit: Foodpanda Facebook
Image Credit: foodpanda Facebook

Most foodpanda users would know that the estimate time of arrival of the food delivered by the foodpanda team is an hour. Therefore, the purpose of the #Save1Hour campaign is to advocate saving one hour of our time by doing the things you want or have to while leaving the meal preparation and delivery of food to the experts. Thanks to foodpanda, busy working class people and students can order their food through their website or mobile application and then carry on with whatever they’re working on for an hour till the food arrives at their doorstep. 

So what do you do while waiting for your food for an hour? Do you use it to spend extra time on your assignment, or do you take a short power nap so that you can wake up refreshed? foodpanda Malaysia wants you to let them know what would you do if you are able to #Save1Hour by using foodpanda’s service and reward you for your creative ideas!

To participate, all you need to do is to visit foodpanda Malaysia’s Facebook page to post your creative ideas. With each entry, you are in the running to win the weekly prizes that include the Apple iPhone 6, Xbox One and foodpanda vouchers worth RM100. You could check out more information here.

The #Save1Hour Facebook Contest will run from 10th November to 8th December 2014.  Each week’s participants can submit their entries to to foodpanda Malaysia’s Facebook page from Thursday to Sunday. On the following Monday, the winners of the contest will be announced.

Good luck to all participants!

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Vulcan Post aims to be the knowledge hub of Singapore and Malaysia.

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