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When you think of workout protein products, you likely imagine protein powders, shakes, supplements, and various items that are heavily geared toward pre-workouts.  

But Hojū, a Malaysian health brand founded by dietitian Leonard Yap, aims to shake things up with its focus on recovery. 

Hojū’s product claims to not only support post-workout recovery but also promote joint health, backed by scientific research. But is it truly that innovative, or is it just another face in the crowded supplement market?

From chef to dietitian to entrepreneur

Before founding Hojū, Leonard spent his formative years working as a chef while completing his degree in dietetics. 

His time in the kitchen may seem worlds apart from the structured world of healthcare, but both experiences taught him the importance of understanding nutrition and how it impacts the body. 

Image Credit: Hojū

After becoming a dietitian, he worked closely with communities, helping individuals manage their diets for better health outcomes. Over time, Leonard noticed a growing trend in how people were approaching their health. 

“There were more and more people entering different curated domains,” Leonard told Vulcan Post. Whether it was sports, recovery, or female health, there was a clear gap in the market for specialised solutions that not only addressed health concerns but also felt personalised and intuitive. 

Thus, Leonard set out to create something different with Hojū, a brand that would reflect his philosophy of blending science and user-centric design. 

The name itself, Hojū, comes from the Japanese Kanji word for “replenish,” which embodies the core mission of the brand—to restore and rejuvenate the body post-workout or after any physically taxing activity.

The climbing connection

Interestingly, the idea for Hojū came from Leonard’s own involvement in the climbing community. 

“I got involved in climbing as a sport first in 2019, I got hooked, and subsequently, we operated another cafe business within a climbing gym, and that got me into another layer deeper with the climbing community,” he shared.

Image Credit: Hojū

A passionate climber himself, Leonard noticed that many of his fellow athletes were not taking proper care of their bodies post-workout. Climbing is an incredibly demanding sport, especially on the fingers and joints, and recovery is often overlooked.

This sparked the realisation that there was a real need for products like theirs. “When climbers use our product, they notice a tangible difference the next day,” Leonard claimed. 

This strong connection to the climbing community has been instrumental in building Hojū’s customer base. The brand’s organic growth has been fueled by word of mouth, he said.

The first product of Hojū

The first product to emerge from Hojū’s research and development process was Cura, a recovery protein blend. 

Image Credit: Hojū

But don’t make the mistake of lumping it in with the myriad of protein powders on the market. Cura is not just about building muscle; it’s about comprehensive recovery. 

Leonard and his team took the time to study the specific needs of active individuals—whether they were climbers, runners, or CrossFit enthusiasts—and designed a blend that would meet these needs in a way no typical supplement could.

What sets Cura apart is the rigorous scientific process behind its creation. Leonard worked with university partners, including IMU and TAR UMT, to ensure that the blend had clinical backing. He also said that’s what sets them apart in a crowded market. 

Image Credit: Hojū

“The actual active R&D process took between one year and one and a half years,” Leonard shared. They spent considerable time refining the texture and flavour of Cura to ensure that it was beneficial and enjoyable. 

This wasn’t just about throwing ingredients together; it was about analysing data, working with clinicians, and creating something that would truly benefit its users. 

The ingredients behind Cura’s success

So, what’s inside Cura that makes it stand out from the crowd? While it does contain the standard whey protein, it also features a host of other ingredients designed specifically for recovery, such as type 2 collagen, ashwagandha, curcumin, and instantised BCAAs.

According to a study, Ashwagandha can help ease arthritis symptoms like pain and joint swelling in people with rheumatoid arthritis. Not only that, curcumin also has been shown to benefit inflammatory conditions, metabolic syndrome, and pain.

Image Credit: Hojū

Each of these ingredients was carefully selected and backed by clinical research. In fact, Leonard emphasises that Cura is one of the few products on the market with data validated by local Malaysian users. 

“This isn’t just some clinical data we pulled from another country. This is based on the local scene, and that gives us credibility with both customers and clinicians,” he said.

It’s not an easy feat 

No business is without its challenges, and Hojū is no exception. For Leonard, the biggest hurdle was the financial strain of conducting high-level research. 

“Research takes time, resources, and money. And there’s always a chance that the results won’t be positive,” the founder reflected. 

Image Credit: BUMP Bouldering & Hojū

But the risks have paid off. Hojū now boasts a product backed by clinical data, with endorsements from physiotherapists and orthopaedic specialists who use Cura in their practice.

Beyond the R&D challenges, Hojū has also faced the common struggles of product development, from packaging to regulatory approvals. 

Perhaps the biggest challenge, though, is educating customers about the product’s true value. “People see Cura and think it’s just a protein product,” Leonard explained. “But it’s not. It’s a recovery blend, and that’s a very different use case.”

Looking to the future

Hojū may have started within the climbing community, but Leonard has big plans for the future. The brand is expanding into other domains like CrossFit, elderly care, and rehabilitation. 

Their ultimate goal is to scale up and enter pharmacies and mass markets, bringing the Hojū ethos of personalised recovery to a wider audience.

Leonard believes that Hojū’s approach to recovery could revolutionise how people think about post-workout care. By focusing on science, user experience, and community, Hoju is poised to become a major player in the health and wellness space.

  • You can learn more about Hojū here.
  • Read other articles we’ve written about Malaysian startups here.

Featured Image Credit: Hojū & BUMP Bouldering

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