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From protein shakes to plant-based alternatives, the Malaysian market has seen an influx of products catering to different dietary preferences and lifestyles.

However, many of these meal replacements focus primarily on weight loss, often sacrificing essential nutrients in the process, said the founders of Tastebudds, Collin Chang and Joslyn Yip.

“The sole focus of too many meal replacements in the market is on weight loss, which means their calorific values can be as low as under 100 calories and completely free of carbohydrates. This leaves customers hungry and more likely to cheat on their diet,” Collin said.

That’s why the team at Tastebudds wanted to break away from that narrative, fuelled by their own motivations.  

Image Credit: Tastebudds

From lawyers to entrepreneurs

Collin and Joslyn were both former lawyers with demanding jobs that led them to neglect their health and nutrition. 

As Collin explained, the idea for Tastebudds was born out of necessity. “The main determining factor would have been during our time working as busy lawyers where we would regularly skip lunch and eat dinner at odd times, which led to a host of health issues,” he shared. 

Both founders had always led active, healthy lifestyles, but their work commitments forced them to sacrifice their well-being for their careers.

Image Credit: Tastebudds

Their conversations with colleagues revealed that this issue was widespread among people in demanding professions. 

After failing to find a suitable solution—healthy meals were either too inconvenient or expensive—they decided to create their own.

Thus, Tastebudds was launched with the goal of offering convenient, affordable, and healthy meal replacements to those who simply don’t have the time to prioritise nutrition in their daily routines.

Image Credit: Tastebudds

Designed for satisfaction, not starvation

Unlike most meal replacements on the market, Tastebudds’ liquid meals are designed to be filling and satisfying, the founders said. Their products contain edible bits to make the body feel like it’s consuming an actual meal, helping users feel fuller for longer. 

“We wanted to make sure that our liquid meals have both the complete nutrients of a high-protein, low-carb meal while also having sufficient calories to keep you satiated,” the founders explained.

This approach sets Tastebudds apart. Their liquid meals contain up to 27 grams of protein, equivalent to a full serving of a good protein shake. The meals also include probiotics and fibre to promote gut health, addressing another common issue faced by many who skip meals regularly.

Image Credit: Tastebudds

Tastebudds’ commitment to inclusivity goes beyond just nutrition. Their products are vegan-friendly and produced in halal-certified facilities, making them accessible to a diverse range of customers. 

“We’re actually not vegans ourselves, but we wanted our liquid meals to be accessible to people from all walks of life and dietary preferences,” Collin noted. 

A personal journey and sustainable growth

Tastebudds’ journey started with honey sachets before evolving into the comprehensive product range it offers today, which includes liquid meals and teas. 

These products are available on ecommerce platforms such as Shopee and Lazada. You can also purchase their products through their website.

Despite the initial complexity of developing their meal replacements, the founders remained committed to making healthy living accessible without breaking the bank.

Image Credit: Tastebudds

One notable change in their business was the switch from bottles to recyclable pouches for their liquid meals, a move driven by both customer feedback and environmental concerns. 

“We switched over to pouches to allow our customers to fold the pouch and fit it practically anywhere. We also made sure to find recyclable plastics,” Collin explained. 

Challenges and future aspirations

Operating in a competitive ecommerce space poses its challenges, especially in a market where many Malaysians still prefer to see and feel products before making a purchase. 

Despite these hurdles, Tastebudds has embraced digital marketing, social media engagement, and promotions to stay relevant. The founders continue to innovate, constantly working on new products to meet the evolving needs of their customers.

Right now, TasteBudds is focused on expanding its presence across Malaysia. The brand is moving into more retail spaces to make it easier for people to physically experience their products.

“We’re looking at places like gyms, pharmacies, grocers, lifestyle service providers, and many more to carry our products because we believe we are serving a similar target market,” they shared. For them, it’s all about making it convenient for people to grab something healthy, wherever they are.

Image Credit: Tastebudds

They’re also looking beyond Malaysia, having already launched in Singapore earlier this year. They’re planning to expand to other Southeast Asian countries in the near future.

“The issues we face with our busy lifestyles aren’t unique to just Malaysia. Any country with a major metropolitan population faces these issues,” they noted.

And no matter the market, their mission remains the same: to provide healthy, accessible options for people from all walks of life. They believe that anyone can benefit from incorporating TasteBudds into their lifestyle, and it’s this vision that’s driving them forward.

  • You can learn more about Tastebudds here.
  • Read other articles we’ve written about Malaysian startups here.

Featured Image Credit: Tastebudds

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