There are two kinds of women, not just in Malaysia, but all around the world.
The ones that count calories versus the ones that would love to start the day with a big tub of ice cream, the ones that think McDreamy is super-fine versus the ones that drool all over Wolverine, the ones that have all the guy friends versus the ones that have all the boyfriends, or the ones that insist on splitting the bill when out on a date versus the ones that allow their date to pay the whole sum. The list goes on and on…
However there are some things we all want, need and agree on. Whether you are young, old, single or married, there are some apps that you absolutely must have to make your life easier, safer, more manageable, and void of some stupid mistakes.
So here are the five must-have apps for the women of today.
1. An App To Call For Help
To all women, safety is the number one concern. We worry about walking on lonely streets and even on busy streets, we worry about taking taxis or buses, and at times we even stress about who we are out on a date with because we may not know the person very well.
Everyday, some hair-raising story or another will pop up in the newspapers or go viral on social media, and it makes it hard to close an eye and pretend we truly feel safe.
Thankfully there are many apps to help you feel just a tad more secure.
You could download the MyDistress app, which connects you directly with the police as soon as you hit the SOS button. It pin-points your location and sends a message to the authorities, making it easy for you to discreetly request for help. This service is only available in Selangor though.

Another app that I find useful is the Circle of 6 app, which lets you select a group of 6 people (family and friends) that you can send an SOS message to at one go. This app is designed for you to prevent an incident before it gets out of hand. So the second your red flag goes up, just jump on this app and send out a message for help. Better safe than sorry. There are icons for you to click that represent the form of trouble you are in or assistance you may require from your circle.
Find an app that works for you, and get it on your phone as soon as you can. You never know when you may need it.
2. An App To Take You From Point A To Point B…Safely
With the help of an SOS app, taking public transport would subconsciously feel safer for you. There are a few taxi booking apps out there now that could come in handy. Many women today feel a lot safer using apps like Uber, Grab Taxi and Easy Taxi to help them get from Point A to Point B.

Hailing a cab by the side of the road isn’t the best idea these days, and calling a cab company to come get you can also prove to have its flaws from time to time. If you don’t already have a preferred taxi app, do some research, speak to some friends, and take a few rides with friends to test it out before you make a decision.
Just a little tip though, it doesn’t matter how safe something is guaranteed to be, always take it upon yourself to inform someone (or a few people) that you have got into a taxi and provide them with all the necessary details of the vehicle and driver. This will come in useful if you find yourself in an unlucky situation.
3. An App To Keep Track Of Your Expenses
This is beneficial for men and women. It is probably one of the most useful tools you can have on your phone, as it helps you realize where your hard earned money goes and where to cut down.

There are heaps of budgeting apps out there, it took me a few months to find which one worked best for me. So you could just give each of them a trial run to see which one suits you. Apps like Mint, Good Budget, You Need A Budget and Level Money are good ones to start with as they are free apps and are user friendly via iOS and Android phones.
Here’s a list of 10 Budgeting Apps to help you make your decision.
4. An App To Stop You From Sending A Text You May Regret Later
We have all been on both ends of the stick when it comes to sending and receiving messages we wish we hadn’t. Whether it is due to intoxication, heat of the moment, being inaccurately informed, or all in all just pure momentary stupidity – we have all walked in those shoes. Textalyzer will save you from having to send that Text Of Shame the next day apologising for your blunder.

Once you have downloaded the app, you have to create a ‘Forbidden List’ of people, which could range from your parents to that dreaded ex. Whenever you want to send people on this list a message, you will need to go through a series of four tests before you are able to get in contact with that person. Ideally, it takes about 2-3 minutes to complete the tests, but if you are unsuccessful the app saves your text for the next 12 hours to give you time to rethink what you have said before you decide to send it off.
5. An App To Keep Track Of Your ‘Monthly Friend’
As much as we all believe “Yeah, I’ve got it under control”, this app will come in more useful the more information you add in over time. It makes it easier to plan holidays, your personal life, family planning, notice symptoms within your body and even helps you realize when you P.M.S! I know most women try not to admit that they are experiencing P.M.S, but once they acknowledge that fact, it will help them make better and more rational decisions.

I know some people who jump in and out of relationships just because they tend to feel lonely in that time of the month, and they spontaneously decide that they need the comfort of a partner in their lives. Then, when the time passes, the relationship comes to an awkward and abrupt end.
Apps like Period Tracker and My Cycles allow you to track your menstrual cycle, symptoms, mood swings and intimate activity. In the long run, it could also help future family planning and a better understanding of your own body.