Today’s feature personality might be easy on the eye, but he is definitely more than just those effortless poses he does. You might have been subconsciously enticed by him to have a McWrap while waiting at the bus-stop…

…or got drawn into taking a second look at adverts you thought you would ignore…

…but the model-cum-TV host is not just your usual pretty boy.
Currently hosting an Asia-wide travel show, a local music show, and a variety of live events, Edward’s affable personality holds quite the charm both on screen and off.

A look at his Instagram account speaks volumes about Edward’s no-pretense outlook on life and the things he does:
Besides modelling and hosting, Edward is also an experienced journalist at various publications such as Buro 24/7 and even here at Vulcan Post.
Today, we’re privileged to take a sneak peek into Edward’s phone and check out the apps that get to be part of his jet-setter lifestyle!

1. BBC Sport

“Even though I’ve left the UK several years ago, I’m still very much a Brit at heart. After tea, scones, and rainy summers, there’s nothing more fundamentally British than the BBC. Having been born and raised minutes from the old Highbury stadium, I’ve always been a huge Arsenal fan so I use this app to keep up-to-date with the latest happenings.”
2. Instagram
“Ever since Facebook went the way of click-bait and Buzzfeed articles, Instagram really has been my main social media outlet (even if I am a relatively recent convert) and nowadays it’s become quite an important work tool as well. I was just back in the UK to visit my family and so have recently been spamming my feed with holiday pictures. Now that I’m back from holidays, I use it to stalk other people’s holiday pictures to plan where to visit next; so far the countryside parts of Indonesia and Vietnam are ranking pretty high on my list!”
Check out Edward’s Instagram account here.
3. WhatsApp
“I’m forever travelling and so my phone number keeps changing depending on where I am and which SIM card I have in at the time. My WhatsApp number never changes though and so it remains the one constant way (apart from email) that people can continue to get in touch with me no matter where I am in the world!”
4. Adventure Time Card Wars

“I’m hugely into mobile games as a means of whiling away endless hours of the day that I can’t afford to while away. I often tend to get hooked on one game at a time, play it incessantly for months on end, and then one day just move onto something new (this attitude only applies to gaming I promise!) Following on from Twisty Hollow, Crazy Taxi, and Marvel Champions, Adventure Time Card Wars is my new un-put downable. Even though I might not entirely understand what I’m doing half the time…”
5. Health

“On my off days I love nothing more than taking long walks through the numerous stunning nature reserves that Singapore is home to and there’s something rather satisfying about reaching home after a long walk and finding out how many calories you’ve burnt in the process. Thankfully it doesn’t also tell me how many buckets of sweat have dripped off me at the same time! In order to help shed my holiday weight I’ve also just started personal training sessions at Fitness First, so the app helps me ensure that I’m still achieving my fitness goals even when my trainer isn’t keeping a watchful eye on me!”
If you are interested in learning more about Edward’s work or just want to say ‘Hi,’ catch him on Instagram @edrussell or visit his website here.
We end off with a great quote by Alain de Botton that Edward shared when asked about his life motto and what keeps him going:
The best way to ensure you’ll never fail, be ridiculed and mess up is to stay safely at home, in bed, under the covers, all the time.
There’s a time for everything, and it seems today is the time to get out from under our bed covers, everybody!