happy mothers day
In this article

“Mothers are wingless guardian angels.”

In Indonesia, 22nd of December is a special day, a day dedicated for us to show our appreciation to our beloved mothers.

Why is this such a big deal?  Well, we have no Father’s day to direct our extra affection to fathers, so having a special day to celebrate with our parents sounds appropriate enough. Flowers, handmade drawings or crafts, cookings, even cakes, are some of the popular gift choices given by kids or teenagers to their loving parents.

But that was before social media came into the picture.

Less and less people are spending time with their mothers.  Riddle me this, what is the first thing you do upon seeing your mom cooking your wonderful dish for dinner?  Instagram that blessings with hashtags such as #momlove, #iloveyoumom, et cetera?  or take a selfie with your mom and the food, and published it to Path, hoping for approvals from your friends? Shouldn’t it be “thanking her while kissing her” or something of an equal affection level?

Who are we tweeting, instagram-posting, putting it on Facebook for? For our mom?

Are they actually on these social networks?

This year, some people took a different approach.  Some of Indonesia’s social media enthusiasts and public figures, namely Steny Agustaf, Novita Angie, Najwa Shihab, Meutya Hafid, Miund, Ainun Chomsun, Ndoro Kakung, Renny Fernandez, Milly Shafiq, Deddy Avianto, Inne Nathalia, Lolita Lavietha, Faizal Reza, Dwika Putra, Dian Novita, and Diqi Dahdir, took part in the initiative of a movement entitled “+1IBU“.

This movement (which can be translated to +1MOM in English) is very simple to participate in.  All you need to do is post “+1IBU” in your social media accounts (Path, Facebook, Twitter, etc) on 1 PM, 22nd of December 2013.

Is that it?  NO.  The next step is the most important one: Exit your social media for an hour, then SPEND IT WITH YOUR MOM.  Cherish the time.

That was it.

The result was amazing.

The video was viewed more than 9000 times on YouTube. The website was also tweeted to more than 8 million accounts by celebrities and public figures who were moved by the message. Hundreds of people tweeted at the hour, and then quitted social media for at least one hour.

Even though we cannot be sure that everyone did spent the time with their mothers, we were sure this movement left a mark in people’s mind (and heart), that our mothers deserved a +1.

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For every moment our mum spent teaching us what to do, +1.
For every moment our mum spent worrying about our whereabouts, +1.
For every moment our mum spent whispering our name in her prayers, +1.
Spend (at least) an hour with your mom, because she deserved every moment.

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